Corbin Robbins has advanced to the FINAL FOUR in the Nation for Creed Speaking. He will be recognized on stage during the second general session today. You can watch the live stream today at 1:00 pm to find out his national placing.

As we begin a new basketball season Friday night please remember to be respectful to players, coaches, officials and your fellow spectators. Also, please help the clean up crews by picking up your trash before you leave the gym. Let's be positive role models for our students. Go Warriors!

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Chattanooga
Public School! It's everything Chattanooga Public School, in
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/43vM58E
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3rCjIIP

Chattanooga 23-24 School Year Calendar

Welcome to our new website!

The first day of school is August 11, 2023.